the position of an observer on the outside. If a third party witnessed the scene, discussed, and knew that both parties were male, then this person, as an observer, would say, that this was a homosexual relation- ship. But the statement of an observer is of no value. The only parties really concerned are the two individuals taking part, and since they have two different types of knowledge, they arrive at two different conclusions about what is transpiring, and since the same act cannot be both at the same time, it somewhat boils down to the fact that attempting to call an act hetero-sexual or homosexual is ridiculous and futile, in these intermediate gray areas of the continuum.

Now lets look at another opinion. Dr. Harry Benjamin, whom many of you know, and who is an authority on the subject of femmiphilia, and transexuality, and probably as much of an authority as there is, has written a book on the subject. In the course of his studies, he has found it necessary to try to derive some categories for purposes of classifica- tion as we all attempt to do. In one of his categories the individuals are described as hetero-sexual "except when dressed." Now this is a curious state of affairs because if you read it the other way, it is the same thing as saying homosexual except when not dressed. Now again we have to ask, are we going to discuss what somebody does, or what somebody is? We have two problems here, if an individual gets dressed as a woman and then goes out and has anal or oral sex with some male, who knows that his partner is not a female, then on the basis discussed above, this would have to be called a homosexual relationship and the individual who would knowingly partake of this when dressed and would not par- take of it when in men's attire, is, I feel, no less a homosexual. It is just that he has too many inhibitions against expressing it in the masculine role and thereby has to use the excuse of the feminine appearance as a means to open the door to what is there all the time. So this person, in my opinion should not be classed as a femmiphile or transvestite at all.

However there is still another degree of behaviour that might be car- ried out, and which needs to be considered. Supposing an FP gets dres- sed and goes out to a bar, or any place as far as that goes, and some male becomes acquainted and interested in her, and suppose they have a date or dates, in which the usual amount of "necking" takes place — hugging and kissing and so forth, and supposing this is so exciting to the feminine partner, that she has an orgasm. Now this orgasm would have been brought about by the presence, the interest, the activities, and by the actions of a man, but the man wouldn't know anything about the true situation or what was going on. To him he would be holding a girl in his arms and kissing her and maybe patting her legs, or some-